
Conductor 최영선 Choi Youngsun


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Conductor 최영선 Choi Youngsun


지휘자 최영선은 만 15세의 나이로 ‘비엔나시립음악대학’ 피아노전공 본과에 최연소로 입학했으며, 이후 ‘그라츠국립음악대학’에 최연소로 입학, 피아노과, 합창지휘과, 오케스트라 지휘과를 졸업한 후 ‘서울대학교 음악대학원’ 지휘과를 졸업했다.


젊은 나이에 이미 유수의 오케스트라를 지휘하였고 일본의 재즈 피아니스트 <유키 구라모토> 국내순회공연을 지휘하고 롯데콘서트홀 2017 L콘서트 <온에어> 시리즈를 전속으로 지휘하였으며 세계적인 소프라노 조수미가 선택한 유일의 전속지휘자로 활동중이다.


인순이 콘서트, J.K김동욱, 태진아, 송대관 콘서트 등 가요는 물론 재즈피아니스트 김가온과 재즈를, 임태경, 최정원, 홍지민 등 뮤지컬을, 오정해, 박애리와 민요를 공연하는 등 전 분야에 재능을 보여 유수 교향악단들의 이벤트 및 축하공연에 초대되어 스크린 뮤직, 어린이와 어른들을 위한 팝콘서트, 지역축제음악회 등 팝과 대중가요, 민요, 클래식을 고루 소화하고 작곡과 편곡능력은 물론 피아노 연주에도 탁월한 재능을 보이고 있다.


‘대한민국 오페라 페스티벌’ 국립오페라단 출품작 <지크프리트의 검> ‘M.Ravel’의 <어린이와 마법>, <라보엠>, <라트라비아타>, <마술피리>, <세빌리아의 이발사>, <피가로의 결혼>, <사랑의 묘약>, 순천만교향악축제, TIMF(통영국제음악제오케스트라)와 음악극 <피노키오> 등 오페라와 고전 및 낭만음악은 물론, 현대음악, 크로스오버, 팝, 가요 및 오페라와 뮤지컬 등 여러 장르를 두루 소화하고 있으며, 특히 ‘2011 Besancon’ 국제지휘콩쿠르 finalist로 세계무대의 경쟁력을 갖추었으며, 2014년 통영 ‘국제콩쿠르세계총회’ 기념하여 국제콩쿠르 입상자 출신 신진 음악가들로 구성된 Korean Winners Orchestra에서 지휘부분 대표로 선정 및 지휘하였다. 2018년에는 국제융합예술대상 훌륭한 음악인상(지휘부문)을 받았다.


과천시립교향악단과 (재)국립오페라단의 부지휘자를 역임했으며, 서울예술고등학교, 추계예술대학교를 출강했고, 현재 숙명여대에서 후학 교육에 힘쓰고 있다.

Conductor Choi Youngsun entered the 'Vienna Municipal College of Music' major in piano, as the youngest, at 15, and followed studying at the 'Graz National Conservatory of Music, major in piano, choral conducting, and orchestra conducting at the 'Graz National Conservatory of Music' as the youngest. Choi, further studied at the Graduate School of Music in Seoul National University, major in conducting.

He has already conducted a leading orchestra at his young age, conducted a domestic tour of Japanese jazz pianist ‘Yuki Kuramoto’, conducted the Lotte Concert Hall 2017 L Concert On Air series exclusively and is the only conductor chosen by world-class Soprano Sumi Cho.

Choi, demonstrated his talent in events of leading symphony orchestras various filed, performing concerts of big singers such as Insooni, J.K Kim Dongwook, Tae Jinah, Song Daegwan, as well as with jazz pianist Kim Gaon, also musicals with Im Taekyung, Choi Jungwon, Hong Jimin, and folk songs with Oh Junghae and Park Aeri and many of celebration performances. As Choi’s excellent talent, well-performed in various genres such as screen music, pop concerts for children and adults, and local festival concerts, as well as pop and popular songs, folk songs, and classical music. Also, he has got excellent talent in composing and arranging, as well as playing the piano.

<The Sword of Siegfried> ,a submission of Korean National Opera to the Korea Opera Festival,<Children and Magic> of M.Ravel, <La Boheme>, <La Traviata>, <The Magic Flute>, <The Barber of Seville>, <The Marriage of Figaro>, <Elixir of Love>, Suncheon Bay Symphony Festival, TIMF (Tongyeong International Music Festival Orchestra) and the music play <Pinocchio>, as well as opera, from classical and romantic music, to contemporary music, crossover, pop, songs, opera and musicals, he demonstrated his competencies through various genres mentioned.  

In 2011, in particular, as a finalist of the '2011 Besancon' international conducting competition, he has secured competitiveness on the world stage. In 2014, in commemoration of 'International Competition World Congress' in Tongyeong, he was selected as a conductor of the Korean Winners Orchestra, which was composed of up-and-coming musicians from international competitions. In 2018, he received the Outstanding Musician Award (conducting section) at the International Convergence Arts Awards.

He served as deputy conductor of the Gwacheon City Symphony Orchestra and the National Opera Company, taught at Seoul Arts High School and Chugye University for Arts, and 

Currently, Choi is working on his junior education at Sookmyung Women's University